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Dr. Ian Gibson in Breiðdalsvík

The geologist Ian Gibson is currently in Breiðdalsvík. gIBSONIan was one of the first students of G.P.L. Walkers and wrote his Phd thesis about the Reyðarfjörður volcano 1959-62, see below.

This is the 3. time that Ian is visiting Breiðdalssetur and his contribution was very important for the geology center.

These days he is working on organizing and sorting the huge amount of documents and material that the Walker's wife donated to Breiðdalssetur after his dead.

Breiðdalssetur and the students from the University of Edinburgh (pictures of the field course 2010), who are taught geology at Breiðdalssetur these days as well, are honoured and thankful to have Ian Gibson in Breiðdalsvík.

Articles by Gibson og fl.:

Gibson & Walker 1964. Some composite rhyolite/basalt lavas and related composite dykes in Eastern Iceland.

Gibson & Piper 1972. Structure of Icelandic basalt plateau and the process of drift

 PHD thesis of Ian Gibson :

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