M. Gasser - Volcanoes: Earth's Fire, March 22nd 2018, Bern Switzerland
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The professors Thor Thordarson & Vésteinn Ólason helt lectures
Presentation of staff Breiðdalsseturs about 4th Planet Logistics and the work of Breiðdalssetur VIDEO
Gunnar Sveinbjörn Ólafsson - Fossils: Formation and occurence (Icelandic)
Grétar Jónsson - The fossil of Þuríðarárgil, Vopnafjörður - deer animal (soundrecording) (Icelandic)
Christa M. Feucht - Biosignatures in secondary minerals (Icelandic)
Breiðdalssetur thanks the The Exploration Museum in Húsavík kindly for the opportunity to introduce the institution on an international level.
Geology of East Iceland taught with the story of Dvergasteinn in Seyðisfjörður
"Science is the art of telling true stories. Of course, the truth in the stories of science is not an absolute truth. It is subject to change as new evidence comes into play. So all we can do is try to stay at the level of the state-of-the-art, as it is said."
During the symposium "TOOL-KIT FOR SURVIVALISM AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD" from May 20th - 22nd, that is part of the project "Frontiers in Retreat", Martin Gasser, geologist of Breiðdalssetur, is holding a lecture about the geology of East Iceland at Skaffell Center fro Visual Art in Seyðisfjörður.
Ómar Bjarki Smárason, (Stapi) - Jarðhitaleit á Austurlandi í 20 ár-pdf (Geothermal heat in East Iceland, in Icelandic)
Ármann Höskuldsson, (HÍ) - Eldfjöll í hafi og hafsbotnsrannsóknir við Ísland á 21 öld-video (Sea floor research Iceland, in Icelandic)
Þorvaldur Þórðarson, (HÍ) - Yfirlit um rannsóknir Walkers í Kyrrahafslöndum-pdf (Walker's research on the Pacific area, in Icelandic)
News in Austurfrétt press (in Icelandic)
Article in Glettingur paper about the event (in Icelandic)
Presentations as pdf (in Icelandic):
Hjörleifur Guttormsson -Umhverfi Helgustaðanámu og friðlýsingin 1975
Christa Maria Feucht-Rannsóknarsaga jarðfræði Austurlands
Fjarðabyggð-Uppbygging Helgustaðanámu sem ferðamannastaðar
Kristján Jónasson -Verndargildi steina og staða jarðminjaverndar á Íslandi
Leó Kristjánsson at Helgustaðanáma quarry on August 29th 2015: https://vimeo.com/247762871
Event supported by Alcoa Fjarðaál
At Helgustaðanáma quarry on August 29th 2015
The planet walk in Breiðdalsvík is a collaboration project between Breiðdalssetur and Primary school of Breiðdalshreppur. The path is formally opened with a short talk about astronomy for the common public.
Þorvaldur Þórðarson (Thor Thordarson), professor in volcanology at the University of Iceland talk about the eruption of "Nornahraun" lava field and the eruption that produced it north of Vatnajökull Ice cap 2014/2015 (Talk in Icelandic)
The geologists of Breiðdalssetur hold a short lecture about the actual situation of the eruption of Holuhraun volcanic eruption at the University of Bern for the participants of the excursion that is organized by Breiðdalssetur next summer (2015).
Hjörleifur Guttormsson - Walker and the geology of Eastern Iceland (Icelandic)
Ómar Bjarki Smárason - Geothermal exploration in Eastern Iceland (Icelandic)
Christa Maria Feucht - Biosignatures in chert from Breiðdalur
Robert Alexander Askew - Breiðdalur Central Volcano mapped again 50 years later
Birgir Jónsson & Þorvaldur Þórðarson - Geology of the road tunnels at Norðfjörður and Fjarðarheiði (Icelandic)
Martin Gasser & Sigurður Max Jónsson - A new geological guide for Eastern Iceland: an introduction
Lúðvík E. Gústafsson - Extinct central volcanoes in Borgafjörður Eystri and Loðmundarfjörður (Icelandic)
Erla Dóra Vogler - Bed rock geology of Breiðavík, Eastern Iceland (Icelandic)
Video: Walker talking about ignimbrite in London in the 1980ies
Friday 29th April, 12:15 Leó Kristjánsson is holding a lecture about Iceland spar in East Iceland, its use and importance. Leó Kristjánsson is geophysicist at the University of Iceland. The last 16 years he has collected data about the use of Iceland spar crystals in science. Most of these crystals came from Helgustaðir, East Iceland until around 1900. The crystals contributed a lot to the discovery of optics and more. With the discovery of the so called Nicol-prism that is built of 2 Iceland spar crystals that were used in all optical instruments in different fields of natural sciences, it is sure that Icelandic Iceland spar accelerated many technical progresses and discoveries that seem self-evident to mankind today. Everybody welcome.
Presentation by Leó Kristjánsson
Iceland Spar from Breiðdalur valley