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The simplicity of the complex geological history of East Iceland, 20.5.2016

Geology of East Iceland taught with the story of Dvergasteinn in Seyðisfjörður

"Science is the art of telling true stories. Of course, the truth in the stories of science is not an absolute truth. It is subject to change as new evidence comes into play. So all we can do is try to stay at the level of the state-of-the-art, as it is said."

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During the symposium "TOOL-KIT FOR SURVIVALISM AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD" from May 20th - 22nd, that is part of the project  "Frontiers in Retreat", Martin Gasser, geologist of Breiðdalssetur, is holding a lecture about the geology of East Iceland at Skaffell Center fro Visual Art in Seyðisfjörður.

Programm and information

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