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First geological guidebook of East Iceland

The first geological book about East Iceland  is in progress and will be published as soon as possible. The book is in English and its title is „A Guidebook to the Geology of East Iceland“. The size is A5 and it has around 140 pages. Its publisher is Breiðdalssetur ses in Breiðdalsvík. The main author is the geologist Martin Gasser who was curator at Breiðdassetur 2012–2018. Co-authours are five:Christa M. Feucht, executive manager of Breiðdalsseturs 2012–2018; Þorvaldur Þórðarson, professor in geology at the University of Iceland and member of the head of Breiðdalsseturs since 2012; Leó Kristjánsson, geophysicist emeritus at the University of Iceland; Jóhann Helgasothe n, geologist at Landmælingum Íslands and Lúðvík E.Gústafsson, geolgoist at Sambandi íslenskrasveitarfélaga.At

Article in Glettingur 70 about the publication of the book (Icelandic)

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Left: Cover page of the book. Right: Picture from the book, showing a sill intruding the regular lava pile above Breiðdalsvík.

To order the book contcat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also buy a digital copy.

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